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12 Methods to Heal From Trauma, PTSD, and Narcissistic Abuse That You Probably Didn't Think Of

If you are going to therapy every week and believe that it is enough then, think again.

Talk therapy is always the best way to start your healing journey but you must incorporate many different modalities into your life if you are truly committed to healing and rebirth.

healing journey

The journey of healing from trauma, Complex Trauma, PTSD, Narcissistic Abuse, sexual trauma, and the other horrible things we experience at the hands of others is your #1 priority in your life and it does not end until your last breath.

Your healing journey will permeate into every area of your life.

This is not something you do for a little while then move on, it is a lifestyle. Your trauma has forever changed your life. The sooner you can find peace with it, the sooner you can get on with it. However, it is possible to navigate the change it creates in your life rather than allowing the changes to navigate your life. Navigating this change is far easier and a lot more fun than you probably realize.

The Healing Journey
The Healing Journey

Embarking on a journey to heal from trauma, PTSD, and narcissistic abuse can be daunting, but it's a path brimming with potential for profound personal transformation.

Traditional therapies, while effective, are just one part of the healing spectrum we can explore. Here are 12 unconventional yet powerful methods that offer unique perspectives and tools for healing. Each method, detailed in its dedicated blog post, serves as a stepping stone towards reclaiming your inner peace and strength.


1. 7 Steps to Journaling: Healing Trauma with Writing and Gratitude - Journaling, coupled with gratitude practices, can be a powerful tool for processing emotions and trauma. Learn 7 steps to integrate these practices into your daily routine for enhanced healing.

Sound Healing

2. 10 Ways of Sound Healing for Optimal Health and Well-Being - Sound healing uses vibrations to improve physical and emotional health. This post covers 10 ways in which sound healing can be incorporated to bring about balance and well-being, especially helpful for those recovering from trauma.


3. Exploring Aromatherapy for Wellness After a Break-Up, Trauma and Managing PTSD - Aromatherapy can be particularly effective in managing stress and emotional turmoil post-trauma or break-up. This blog explores how essential oils can support your emotional healing process.


4. 10 Soothing Herbs to Help Navigate Trauma Healing - Herbs have been nature's healing agents for centuries. This blog explores 10 herbs that soothe the nervous system, reduce anxiety, and aid in trauma recovery, making them a serene addition to your healing toolkit.

Witchy looking woman standing peacefully next to her altar

5 7. Steps to Creating an Altar for Self-Care and Healing Trauma - An altar can be a sacred space for self-care and processing trauma. This post delves into 7 steps to create a personal altar, helping you anchor your intentions and foster a nurturing environment for healing.

Crystal Altar

6. 11 Best Crystals For Healing Trauma - Crystals are known for their healing energies. Here, we discuss 11 crystals particularly effective in addressing the emotional and psychological impacts of trauma, serving as a tangible support in your journey.


7. 4 Powerful Ways to Use Tarot Cards for Healing from Trauma, Complex PTSD and Narcissistic Abuse - Tarot cards can offer deep insights and healing perspectives. This blog outlines 4 powerful ways to use tarot for personal growth, especially when dealing with trauma and abuse.

tapping. eft

8. Unlocking the Power of EFT Tapping: A Holistic Approach to Emotional Healing - Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping is a holistic approach that helps in reducing emotional distress. This post guides you through the process and its benefits in trauma healing.


9. The Transformative Power of Positive Affirmations: Words and Thoughts in Healing Trauma - Words hold power. This blog emphasizes the transformative impact of positive affirmations in reshaping thoughts and emotions, aiding significantly in the journey of healing from trauma.


10. 13 Mudras for Healing from Trauma - Mudras are hand gestures used in meditation. This post presents 13 mudras that can be used to enhance emotional and physical healing from trauma.

Ayahuasca shaman

11. Ayahuasca for Treating Trauma - Ayahuasca, a traditional Amazonian brew, is gaining attention for its potential in treating trauma. This blog examines its use and the considerations involved in such a therapeutic approach.


12. How Is a Psychic Intuitive Coach Beneficial to The Journey of Healing Childhood Trauma - Psychic intuitive coaching offers a unique perspective in understanding and healing childhood trauma. Learn how this approach can be beneficial in your healing process.


Healing from trauma, PTSD, and narcissistic abuse is a multifaceted journey that encompasses more than just the mind; it involves the body and spirit too.


The 12 methods outlined in this series offer diverse and complementary approaches to traditional therapy. They invite you to explore, experiment, and find what resonates with your personal healing journey. Each method is a testament to the power of holistic healing and the strength of the human spirit to overcome and thrive.

Embrace these tools and step into a world where healing is not just a possibility, but a reality.


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